Monday, August 30, 2004

Reef is a handful

We waited as long as we could, and Bora came home, we gave him at least an hour to recover from his flight across the world before bombarding him with puppy questions.
He discussed his concerns of Reef's well being and her future behavior in his yard, but besides that, he allowed us to go get her right away.
So that's what we did, Tuesday the 24th of August, we brought Reef home from her parents house near Castro Valley. We think she is the first puppy of the liter to go home, leaving 10 siblings behind. I learned today that they had to put one of her sibling down last week, as he had a throat problem, and the "little guy" was not gaining weight. Also, I'm glad we got Reef out of there when we did, I guess the puppies ganged up on the new little one (since Reef left) and nearly killed her, how awful they would do that to their little sister. Good news however, was that after she was taken to the hospital to get fixed up, one of the vet techs took the puppy home, so she will hopefully forget about the awful fact that she was attacked by her siblings, and go on to live a happy, long life.

We took Reef to the park on Saturday, and to the Pacific Ocean on Sunday. She doesn't like her leash much, so we are trying to associate good times with the thing tied to her neck, like going to a field of green, and beaches. Let's hope it works...we got her an adjustable collar, but at it's smallest setting, it is still to big for her scrawny neck.....but for how long?!?
We crate trained her in one day, she really took to her "home" if only she would like to go outside more, instead of seeing it as a pain.

It's been 5 days...exhausting 5 days, she really is a handful, but I love her very much already, I can see that she is gonna be a big sweetheart....or at least we hope.


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