"Check it out...I got all four fingers and thumb. On my daddy's 3rd day as a custom sauna and wine rack carpenter, he tried to join the ranks of the 4 1/2 fingered men, like his buddy Bolssen. Daddy thought it woulda been funny to give a movie "1 1/2 thumbs up". Unfortunately he was unsuccessful in taking off the thumb, but was able to alter his thumb print significantly. I'm not sure what he was saying...but he was yelling something about "No, they'll never catch me now!""
can you spot Oskar's towel?
"what chu look'n at?"
Oskar LOVES to stand and pound on the ottoman. And actually his latest favorite game we like to call "clean the table". We pile as many toys as we can on the ottoman, an he swipes his arms across and knocks them off as fast as he can....to better clear the table for him to continue pounding. We're thinking a drum is an order for his fast approaching 1st birthday!
Labels: towel hat thumb
Man, you're cute. Are you standing all by yourself? I can't wait to see you again and squeeze those cheeks!
Tell your daddy to be careful because an opposable thumb is very precious.
Hi Sonya-Bird!! I saw the pictures your parents had done, and I have to say, you're pretty darn cute yourself!
I stand pretty good when holding onto something (or someone holdng onto my hands), and just the other day I finally decided crawling is an easier way to get to stuff then rolling all over the place.
I can't wait to see you again too!
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