Wednesday, November 17, 2004

tis been a while...

alot has happened, alot has stayed the same...
we got rear ended, nearly totaled our Jetta, but after nearly two months of fixing it, it may be ready to pick up tonite.
But, on the brighter side of car accidents that aren't your fault (we were parked at a stop light, when a lady in a Jeep came and plowed into us, sending us reeling forward, and Reef flying into the dash...knocking out her fist baby tooth) we were able to collect some money. Enough money in fact, to be able to purchase tickets back to WI for Christmas....and a concert on Dec. 10 with Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand, Muse and others...should be fun.

The Packers have turned their season around, after starting a dismal 1-4, they have righted the ship and won 4 in a row...and thankfully so, I've been betting the office gopher $5 a game, couldn't afford for them to keep losing.

The election has come and gone...and most of my anger has subsided as well. I lost sleep the first 2 or 3 nights after the election...I still can't linger thoughts about it, or I recess to feelings of anger and spite all over again. Still can't fathom how such a blatent liar can be re-elected by so many people....though, I am full aware of the large number of stupid people in this country...I just thought more highly of members of my own family.
1 week till Thanksgiving...B and I will be staying here, and more then likely not even having turkey...unless we can find an easy way to do it...just to much work for only 2 people.

Job is going okay, 3 new hires after me, so I no longer feel like or am the new guy...fitting in pretty well, and starting to play a larger role. Time will tell....

Right now, just excited for thanksgiving break (actually get off thursday and friday..haven't had that since school) , getting our car back, and heading home for Christmas...we plan on taking Reef home with us for Christmas...but it's gonna be pretty fact, pretty much everything to do with her is pretty espensive.

But we love her. very much.