5 years...alot can happen in 5 years, and we're proof of that. Hell, the country is proof of that...we have a black president!! I'm not sure if that is proof of a sound advancement in our nation as an accepted place for all people, or a testament about how much dislike and distrust one administration can accumulate in 8 years. I hope it's the former..but I'm sure the later had ALOT to do with it. But that is better left for another blog.
We moved out of our friend Bora's cottage, bought a house in Martinez (that WAS going better up until more recently) we got another dog (boxer named Bella, to go along with Reef the American bulldog). Bethany and I are no longer living in sin, in fact, we consummated our marriage so long ago (Sept. 8, 2007), we actually have a spawn, named Oskar Gordon who was born on August 31, 2008. He surprised us by coming 2 months early, and was the reason I ran up an astronomical cell phone bill by watching the Brewers stretch run to the 2008 playoffs, and short lived playoff berth via phone updates. He spent 5 weeks in the hospital before we could finally bring him home, and ran up a nearly million dollar hospital bill...thank God for Bethany's good work insurance, cause heaven knows that Craig and Grant's insurance was pure garbage. Speaking of Craig and Grant, the company that afforded us to move out to CA in the first place...they are NOT doing well, in these tough economic times, and have been forced to lay off myself (Feb. 2009) and about 2/3 of the rest of the company.
*whew* I think that pretty much catches us up on the important stuff, and brings us to April 2, 2009. I'm a stay-at-home dad now, with the cutest kid ever to watch over and enjoy, and I'm doing my best to do just that. Bethany often gets jealous of all the time Oskar and I get to spend together....but somebodies gotta 'bring home the bacon'.
I wanted to start up this blog again, mainly because we felt left out...everyone else seems to have a blog to show off their kids, and our's is so damn cute, I want every opportunity to do the same. Besides that, with all the extra time I have now, why not blog...everyone and their sister is doing it....and frankly, I think my writing is more entertaining than your sister. No offense, she's a great girl, "just not that funny, man". I won't guarantee any regular updates, but I will try to add some cute pictures and movies of Oskar as we get them to keep those we love far away as in the loop as we can.
That's enough for now...I hope our blog when you read it, finds you and yours well during these tough economic times, and I look forward to talking or seeing each of you in the near future.
Labels: catch-up, Oskar, wrap up