house gets some new color and much needed gutters
Labels: beautiful gutters
Labels: beautiful gutters
Our little man is officially mobile, crawling all over and pulling himself up on anything he can find. I love the picture looks like he's melting into the floor. Oskar had his 1st birthday party on the 30th (look for pictures in a blog soon) and his 1st flu or some other fever-inducing family sleep preventer. Hopefully he recovers quickly, he's got a date with the roulette table at the Sand's next week....Oskar's first trip to Vegas is coming up! I bet you $10 he whimps out on me and passes out by 11 pm.
this picture should end the debate....he looks like daddy. :)
Ozzie's first swing ride!
"Ozzie's first 'are you kidding me, dad?" look
Labels: orange face crawling